Twenty eight years ago, the cyber world saw the birth of a new site. It was simple, yet advanced for its time; the humble, quiet beginning of the place that would become known as "Millennium's Realm". Time passed, as time always does, and the Realm continued to grow, expand and change, adding beautiful new realms and features as the world's technology advanced; places of peace and solitude, of what is, what was, and what could be. In 2004, the last iteration of the site, Millennium's Realm: Renaissance, arrived; a bold new look and a slight departure from previous versions, yet continuing in its upward direction towards its apex. Expansion continued for two additional years before the Great Tech Ice Age advanced and consumed the realms entirely. Before the worst could come, the Great Technomancer sealed the realms in a cyber cocoon, to protect and preserve them as they lay in a deep, restless sleep. For the next decade and a half, Millennium's Realm would remain frozen in time, awaiting the Great Thaw that would inevitably come one day.

Flash forward to today...the cyber world has vastly changed since the Great Tech Ice Age consumed the Realms. Technologies only dreamt of in the past are now very real; high speed access to data and information, beautiful graphics and incredible power are the new norm of the day; the changes in the internet landscape are immense. At long last, the Great Thaw has begun and a new, transformed Realm is emerging into the world of its own tomorrow. An incredible metamorphosis has taken place within its protective cocoon, one that was never expected by the Great Technomancer that sealed it so long ago, yet one that is very much needed in the cyber world of today.